
18 June 2009

Salad Days Forever?

It seems many weeks since I started some lettuce seedlings in the greenhouse.

They have been so slow to form anything more than about two sets of leaves that I begin to wonder if I chose a suitable variety.

Throwing caution to the winds I just took some packets of mixed salad seeds and hardy annuals and sowed broadcast in between the more established plants around the garden. The soil has taken such a long time to warm up that I'm probably not too late.

Clarkia pulchella, a feisty little white flowering gem, should flower by September, I hope...

16 June 2009

Blooming Marvelous

I have to admit that I am now "wall falling".
The exertions of the past few weeks (what with trying to make a neat little "potager" in the front garden) has taken its toll. I sleep the sleep of the dead and have to be almost dragged out of bed every morning and almost propped up to eat breakfast.

I thought that energy would not be found to keep blogging, but the truth is that I have energy left for little else.

Today, through force of will, I managed to get to the National Gallery for a morning lecture by P.J. Lynch, a wonderful illustrator of children's books. The introduction to Harry Clarke's illustrations of Hans Christian Andersen was a "tour de force". There was even an enlightening analysis of how Clarke constructed Snow Queen image, entitled "Deconstructing Harry".

I decided that the lecture was exciting enough, so another visit to the gallery to take time to study the work on display will be needed.

A thoroughly memorable Bloomsday.

15 June 2009

The Call of the Wild...

...emanating from my front garden now leaves little time to blog.

Also, an effort to re-organise my whole life is afoot and should take some energy that will prevent me from visiting here for a month or so.

Granny J's question about where the photo of the ruined wall is and whether or not it forms part of my demesnes set me thinking, however. What if I did have a vast Eighteenth century landscape, complete with "Jealous Wall" to maintain? I would have to be a millionaire and employ a vast staff to keep the place looking well.

As it is, a suburban semi-D is just about my size. I spent some more time today planting potatoes (they are already up to speed in pots) and planning which biennials to sow for a blaze of colour next year.

As I said, time and energy, time and energy...