Chat Room Fatigue?
Chat rooms seem to be a thing of the past.
Have we said all there is to be said and now it's
not worth bothering going to repeat conversations that
are jaded and without zest?
A sense of exhaustion seems to have hit Techfocus The Lounge
and although there is a possibility of invition new posters there,
it does not look as if we're going to blaze a new trail.
Perhaps everybody is now texting and using mobile technology
rather than skiving off for a few moments on the Internet?
I have found chat room posters to be very lively company overall.
Without their help I would probably have given up any attempt to
make my computer behave as I would like.
Several years on, it's nice to be able to say "Thank You" to
everybody who rescued me from disappearing into a Cyber Void.
However, I have to admit that mobile chat holds very few charms for me.
Have we said all there is to be said and now it's
not worth bothering going to repeat conversations that
are jaded and without zest?
A sense of exhaustion seems to have hit Techfocus The Lounge
and although there is a possibility of invition new posters there,
it does not look as if we're going to blaze a new trail.
Perhaps everybody is now texting and using mobile technology
rather than skiving off for a few moments on the Internet?
I have found chat room posters to be very lively company overall.
Without their help I would probably have given up any attempt to
make my computer behave as I would like.
Several years on, it's nice to be able to say "Thank You" to
everybody who rescued me from disappearing into a Cyber Void.
However, I have to admit that mobile chat holds very few charms for me.