
16 February 2008

"Sure, You Did, But Did It See You, Baby?"

It's almost enough to make you put pen to paper.

Anybody who can take a rise out of D.H. Lawrence has my respect.

Stella Gibbons... Chapeau!

"I Saw Something Nasty in the Woodshed"

Well, m'dear, that may because you were looking so hard to find it.
Ever so often, Bloggers get an attack of the Ada Dooms.
Read "Cold Comfort Farm" and you'll see what I mean.
There are many odd fish in the Virtual as well as the Real

Avoid them, is my policy.

Here I am, chattering away to myself, happy in my own little shell.
People drop by from time to time to share tips, chat about photography,
eat a virtual Afternoon Tea Cake.

What could be more simple?

14 February 2008

Irish Blog Awards

The Irish Blogosphere is in the news again.
The Irish Blog Awards are in full swing and
bloggers are finding inspiration for posts
and photos wherever they turn.

Environmental issues are discussed at length
and bloggers are very careful to analyse issues
that keep the Net lively and efficient.

Tips for Green Blogging would be welcome.

Suggestion 1: Only blog when you have something
useful and/or beautiful to say.

Think! If a post causes vast numbers of responses and queries
a lot of energy and electricity is used.

Put your Blogging Foot down with care...


Irish Blog Awards ยป 2008 Irish Blog Award Sponsors: "BB Gardens have sponsored Best Designed Blog. BB Gardens is run by Bobby Buckley. BB Gardens will supply planting schemes, design and arrange borders, design and plant woodlands. BB Gardens are environmentally aware and their philosophy is: Gardening not for the moment but for the whole year."

13 February 2008


Net Lag

A change is as good as a rest.

The change in the season has brought a remarkable change in energy
levels. People run and gallop on escalators in our local Shopping Centre.
It's very invigorating.

The last few weeks saw a sort of "Net Lag" setting in.
I prefer to be out of doors more, so the lure of the computer screen,
postively mesmeric in Winter, seems less compelling.

Shall get back to posting, once there is something worth saying...