
16 October 2015

Kibosh Territory

I have put the kibosh on my literary blog, The Widgeting Hour,
by being over zealous in deleting photos from my new found Google+ site.

Seeing photos listed as "Blogger Photos" meant nothing until I had deleted them for good
and then found gaps on my blog.

A mistake not to be repeated...

15 October 2015

Making It All Worthwhile

My pal, Davimack, has commented on the previous post and I continue to be eternally grateful to him and all the posters on my blog who helped me get to the comfortable stage with computing that I now find myself at.

All the more reason to keep battling on here?

14 October 2015

Back on a Steep Learning Curve Here

I have been spending a lot of time on social media and have just discovered Pinterest and the joys
of Google+.

Blogging has taken a back seat for over a year now and it looks as if I'll be visiting
here less often. However, it's good to just drop by to wish any remaining readers
all the best.

Regards from Dublin, Ireland,
