
16 August 2007


This new Blog Directory, Buzzerhut,
is worth a mention.

I've added a link to Stumbleupon,
to set the ball rolling on
my patch.

14 August 2007


Fuchsia is naturalised along
the Irish coastline,
notably in the West.

13 August 2007


Google Analytics has been an addition to the
Photographe à Dublin part of this blog.
I know, for looking at it, that an average
of eight visitors per day have clicked on
pages there. Some return, some go elsewhere.
All are more than welcome.

I have not added the Analytics feature to
the other blogs because it seems a bit
excessive. There does not seem to be much
one could do to encourage more visitors,
though the thought of singing a little tune
that could be added to my other accomplishments
has been a temptation from time to time.

Enough is enough, however.
August is a very busy month in our lives
as friends come and go, visiting from distant
countries, carrying stories of other customs,
new ideas.

As a result, if there is less activity here
in the next few weeks, please be patient.

Holiday mood has taken over.