
19 September 2009


Always keep up to date with Terms of Service.

Comparing and contrasting systems is a continual process on the web.

18 September 2009


The good intentions of writing up our trip to Tasmania got waylaid.

It would be difficult to do justice to this astonishing wilderness in words.
Somehow this photo is my favourite at the moment.


17 September 2009


I return to the blogging coalface after yet another damp, but refreshing, Summer, bursting with information and generally sitting up and taking notice.

Reading took a pleasant turn with the discovery of a very engaging and warm spirited writer, Alan Glynn. His first novel,
The Dark Fields
has a cult following among noir fans.

Big pharma is big news these days. The story of Eddie Spinola, drugged and flying high, is a cautionary tale.
Told in first person narrative and with a tight inner structure the story leads from
hamartia to peripeteia in a very satisfying way. The characters he meets are memorable and have distinctive voices. Interiors seem real.

No need to take a trip abroad when reading this book.
I feel that I've been to New York and back again.

Cool Heat