
4 August 2007

Echium pininiana

Echium pininiana is an astonishing
sight in flower.

This giant seeds itself freely
in the mild coastal regions
of Ireland.

Agapanthus Blue

This is one of the most
popular flowers in
bloom in Dublin
in August.

2 August 2007

About Face

I don't know how long my new fascination
with Facebook will last.

Having joined this week, the advantages
seem infinite. I can now bring favourite
web sites together with friends in one
harmonious place.

They even have a Happy Hour.

Must all be Irish...

29 July 2007

Day Lilies are Edible

Looking a bit further into the nutritional
value of flowers, I have just found this
interesting post about the Day Lily.

Recently I saw a television presenter
tucking into these pretty flowers,
which was a new and surprising idea.