
27 October 2010

A Hungry Man is an Angry Man?

There is a lot of discussion lately about the lack of organised response by Irish citizens to the cutbacks and job losses of the day. I cannot speak for others, but having looked at the television coverage of street protests in France, it is probable that people here cannot afford any more loss and destruction. Friends who walked in protest against the various wars of the past ten years were insightful on the changed realities of peaceful civic protests. They have been taken over by "les casseurs" and are not safe.

The ridiculous phrase "taking the pain" is encouraging emigration. The increase in entreprenurial training should help change business practices in time, but everybody is not cut out for innovation. The rudeness that current television programmes encourages has a humourous side, but the tone set is usually counter-productive. Recently three grown men were hauled over the coals by a fourth with a face like a fiddle because their doughnuts were not fluffy enough or not filled with enough cream. I laughed and switched off.

In the meantime, life is good. It's actually not raining...


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