
23 June 2011

The Urban Jungle

Somehow, many towns and cities manage to avoid the smear of modern life, concrete monsters both erected and underfoot. Venice still has its cobbles and a true air of the Middle Ages. Parts of Dublin could still belong happily in the 19th century. Paris, despite the horrors of its traffic, retain an elegance around the Parc Monceau that gives a sense of time having stood still.

While in Italy I found it difficult to get information on writing on art and architecture when I enquired in art galleries. It's a strange fact of life that people on desks are trained only to sell tickets and do not have a wider sense of perspective.

However, having time now to surf, there are so many sites and online magazines that come to the urban traveller's aid, that I can enjoy Venice and Verona virtually and in comfort. One site in particular is a mine of information on the construction of Venice... Perhaps, as well, all links lead to Rome?

Italy in November

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