
13 April 2010

How Counting One's Blessings Can Keep One's Mind Off

all the noise that society makes. Having watched the Conservative Party discuss their Manifesto on TV today, I think the moment may have come for us all to simply take charge of our own lives and enjoy what we have around us... The strange way that politicians keep repeating that they have power to bestow on the people is certainly worth thinking about. Most people simply have power within their own sphere and immediate circumstances and do not think in sociological abstractions. Having survived the recession so far, many are dusting themselves off and looking at creative ways of moving forward. The persistent desire of the Irish media to drive us all demented also continues unabated. There must be some people who find life satisfactory out there. I cannot be alone? Oh, I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside...


Blogger Cathy said...

I like this post and this picture, and a bit of positive thinking in the sun is a good herald of spring.

4/14/2010 9:07 am  
Blogger Tales from the Birch Wood. said...

Thank you for taking time to comment,

I had considered writing on the subject of banking, but thought better of it. It was to be entitled "Banque-ing Mad".

Also, I thought that you be interested in the fact that John Connolly has a blog on this circuit:


4/14/2010 5:59 pm  
Blogger Cathy said...

Thanks for the link, I'll go and investigate!

4/14/2010 10:59 pm  

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