
30 March 2011

Why Can't We Have Skyscrapers in Ireland?

I miss the Melbourne skyline.

Any attempt to reach for the stars in Dublin has been subject to planning limits.

Why? Melbourne on a Misty Day

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Blogger David T. Macknet said...

I thought that the stars in Ireland belonged to the Sidhe. No? ;)

3/30/2011 8:58 pm  
Blogger Tales from the Birch Wood. said...

That is the sort of question that reminds me I am a Norman, not a Celt.

Frankly, I don't know.

4/01/2011 11:29 am  
Blogger David T. Macknet said...


Wikipedia will explain. :)

4/01/2011 11:55 am  
Blogger Tales from the Birch Wood. said...

Thanks for the link.

I got the reference to the Sighe and my answer was intended as a (seemingly not very obvious) joke about the fact that my family came to Ireland with the Norman invasion and so I know nothing of the bizarre beliefs of the Celt.

Just goes to show all the sub-text that is missing when one tries to communicate on the Internet.

Here's hoping your preparations for your doctorate are going well.

Best regards.

4/04/2011 10:33 am  
Blogger David T. Macknet said...

Oh, I got the joke, which is why I said, "Hah!"

I only know of the bizarre beliefs 'cause I've been exposed to fantasy-fiction which is, of course, infatuated with the mythology of the Celts.

4/04/2011 11:13 am  
Blogger Tales from the Birch Wood. said...

This gets better.

"Hah!", in my book, is an expression of one-upmanhip, as when one wins at cards.

4/04/2011 6:00 pm  
Blogger David T. Macknet said...

Oh, dear. Divided by a common language, I see.

I meant "hah" as in "laughing at your joke, hahahahahah"

I'm always amazed at the linguistic differences between the various communities who "speak English."

4/04/2011 6:44 pm  
Blogger David T. Macknet said...

How would one signal "friendly laughter at a shared joke" in your parlance?

4/04/2011 6:46 pm  
Blogger Photographe à Dublin said...

As you put it... Ha!Ha!

(Too many ha!ha!s look like hypo-mania.)

Without the exclamation marks, it would probably be interpreted as a ditch... which is linked to the suprised sound a French person is supposed to have made when presented with this English folly.

And certainly is is a miracle that anybody in the Anglophone world manages to communicate, as you say.

4/04/2011 10:13 pm  
Blogger David T. Macknet said...

At this point it sounds as if "LOL" would be more appropriate!

4/04/2011 10:29 pm  
Blogger Tales from the Birch Wood. said...


PWND to you.

4/05/2011 10:13 am  

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